Meridian Therapy
Find Out If Tui-Na Massage Is
Right For You.
Dr. Bing You
AABB Certified Cellular Therapy Provider
Dr. Camille George
Expert in stem cell procedures
Acupressure, Meridian Therapy
Find Out If Tui-Na Massage Is Right For You.
A precursor to chiropractic medicine, Tui-Na, also known as Acupressure Massage, is a manual therapy, similar to massage, and works with your body’s meridians and energy flow.
Not only does it help you feel relaxed, it alleviates pain, increases the range of motion, improves digestion, promotes blood circulation and energy flow, and assists with detoxification.
It’s a little-known fact that Tui-Na Massage is an excellent tool for pediatrics as well because a child’s body is very resilient and heals faster than an adult.
Supporting the Five Pillars of Health
Tui-Na is often used in conjunction with acupuncture, and, in turn, supports all five of the Pillars of Health. As such, Tui-Na amplifies acupuncture’s success in detoxifying your body, improving your nutrition, boosting your brain health, balancing your hormones, and enhancing your fitness.
Tui-Na improves your nutrition by correcting malabsorption and digestive disorders. It boosts your brain health by treating symptoms and preventing the underlying causes of stroke, dementia, and depression. Just as acupuncture detoxes your body by unblocking nerve signals and blood flow, Tui-na uses that same mechanism to balance your hormones and enhances the effectiveness of your exercise by increasing blood flow and improving mobility.