Looking for a better
Treatment for Uterine Fibroids
in Houston?

We can help!

Let weMED Help You Achieve Your Goals For A Happier, Healthier You!

Specialize in women's health, infertility, menopause, PMS

Dr. Tao Ma
Specialize in Women’s Health M.D. (China), L.Ac., Ph.D.

Houston weMED Health Dr. Bing You AABB Certified Cellular Therapy Provider

Dr. Bing You
AABB Certified Cellular Therapy Provider

Contact us to learn more or to schedule a consultation

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Uterine Fibroids

Looking for a better Treatment for Uterine Fibroids in Houston?

We can help!

Let weMED Help You Achieve Your Goals For A Happier, Healthier You!

Dr. Tao Ma, Treatment Infertility & Healthy Pregnancy, Women's Health, Houston, TX 77027, United States
Dr. Bing You is the founder and one of the major Integrative Medicine

Contact us to learn more or to schedule a consultation

Please fill out the form below and we will get back with you shortly.

Uterine Fibroids

Meet Dr. Tao Ma

Dr. Ma discusses Uterine Fibroids

Main Symptoms of Uterine Fibroids

  • Heavy menstrual bleeding
  • Menstrual periods lasting more than a week
  • Pelvic pressure or pain
  • Frequent urination
  • Difficulty emptying the bladder
  • Constipation
  • Backache or leg pains

Complications of Uterine Fibroids

  • Anemia 
  • Fatigue
  • Pregnancy and fibroids
  • Fibroids usually don’t interfere with getting pregnant. However, it’s possible that fibroids — especially submucosal fibroids — could cause infertility or pregnancy loss.
  • Fibroids may also raise the risk of certain pregnancy complications, such as placental abruption, fetal growth restriction, and preterm delivery

Fibroids Locations

There are three major types of uterine fibroids.

  • Intramural fibroids grow within the muscular uterine wall
  • Submucosal fibroids bulge into the uterine cavity.
  • Subserosal fibroids project to the outside of the uterus.

Some submucosal or subserosal fibroids may be pedunculated —hanging from a stalk inside or outside the uterus.

Fibroids Sizes, Numbers, and Progressions

Fibroids can be as small as sesame seeds or larger than cantaloupes and can be single or multiple. Fibroid may grow bigger in size and more in numbers, may not change for many years in size and numbers, or get smaller in size and less in numbers.

Factors that play a role in the progression of uterine Fibroids

  • Chronic Inflammation
  • Immune function
  • Sluggish blood circulation of the uterus

Our Care includes:

  1. Functional Medicine tests
  2. Acupuncture
  3. Cupping
  4. Supplements and Chinese herbal medicine
  5. Nutritional and lifestyle coaching
  6. Therapeutic exercise coaching
  7. Detox coaching

Our treatment goal is to relieve symptoms and reduce/stabilize the sizes and numbers of fibroids through

  1. Clearing inflammation
  2. Optimizing immune function
  3. Balancing hormone
  4. Facilitating uterine blood circulation

Inflammation and Chronic Diseases

“A myriad of chronic diseases are caused by inflammation, Acupuncture clears inflammation”
-Harvard Magazine

If you or a loved one is looking for a better way to treat your Uterine Fibroids, reach out to us today!

Request a consultation.
Telemedicine available!

Uterine Fibroids

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