We would like to reassure you that we are updating our office every day about the standard disease control precautions outlined by the CDC, and we are doing everything we can to exceed these precautions to further help flatline the pandemic outbreak so that as a community we can help prevent the spread of this virus.
At this time, our office remains open for critical treatments that were already in progress. We will advise you of any changes to our schedule as the local and state health authorities give updates to medical professionals and the community at large.
To help you maintain your health and wellness goals during this time, we are available for health teleconferencing. Please visit wemedhealth.com and click “Reserve a Telemedicine Consultation” on our homepage. We are here to help you get through this challenging time.
To help protect the safety of all our patients and staff, we ask everyone that currently feels ill to please reschedule their upcoming appointment and to immediately call their primary physician.
Please do not attempt to keep your appointment if you have a fever, dry cough, sneezing, and/or shortness of breath within the last 72 hours. Please also reschedule your appointment if you have traveled on an airplane in the last two weeks or been exposed to someone who may have been ill.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our office by email frontdesk@wemedhealth.com or phone (713) 572-3888. The team at weMED Health is here to answer any questions about your health and well-being.