Natural Solutions For Allergies & Sinus Infection

Are you tired of antihistamines and flu shots every year?
Prescription drugs only provide temporary relief and come with harmful side effects and brain fog. You need a solution that goes beyond giving yourself shots or choosing to avoid places and activities that you enjoy. Think that’s impossible? Most of our clients did, too, until they tried our holistic approach.
Scratch tests only look for common allergens, but we test for over 680 allergens, ranging from foods, nonfoods, heavy metals, and nutritional deficiencies. We do all of this without ever taking your blood.
You need a solution that goes beyond shots or avoids places and activities that you enjoy. Think that’s impossible? Most of our clients did, too, until they tried our holistic approach.
Did You Know that World Health Organization (WHO) recommends acupuncture for Allergic rhinitis?
Acupuncture has been proved, through controlled trials, to be an effective treatment for allergic rhinitis.
Telemedicine Available!
Telemedicine Available!
Mike’s Story was told by his mom in March 2014
My 9-year-old son has been coming to the weMED Clinic since August of 2013. He started exhibiting seasonal allergy symptoms (runny nose) when he was very young. Over the years, his symptoms would appear at different times of the year. However, by the time he was 7 or 8 years old, his symptoms would appear almost daily and he also caught colds very easily. I had never given him any antihistamines to treat his symptoms because of my concern about the side effects of these drugs. Finally, I looked online to find an acupuncturist who would treat children and I found Dr. You and Dr. Ma at the weMED Clinic.
I initially spoke with Dr. Ma on the phone and found her to be knowledgeable and I liked her well-rounded approach to treating illnesses. I brought my son in and started treatment. However, my son was extremely fearful of needles so Dr. You and Dr. Ma decided to use herbs, acupressure, and cupping to treat his allergies. My son has responded extremely well to the treatment. He still has some minor symptoms sometimes so he still comes to the clinic once a month. But his immune system has become stronger and I have noticed that his overall health (not just his allergy symptoms) has improved.
Looking for natural solutions for allergies & sinus infection in Houston, TX? Call us today (713) 572-3888