Everyone experiences pain from time to time. Pain is the most common symptom of thousands of injuries, diseases, disorders, and conditions that you may encounter in your lifetime. Treatments for conditions and diseases can also cause it. Pain can last for a short period of time and then disappear when you heal (acute pain). It can also last months or years (chronic pain).

Pain management specialists use medications, procedures, exercises, and therapy to help you control your pain. We recommend one approach or a combination of approaches to reduce or relieve pain.

Pain classifications

There are two kinds of pain:

Acute pain – is a natural reaction to an injury or a medical condition. It usually begins abruptly and is brief.

Chronic pain – pain that lasts longer than expected. It usually lasts longer than three months.

Pain can range from a dull ache to a sharp stab and can be mild to severe. You may experience pain in only one area of your body or it may be widespread.

Who requires pain management?

A pain management plan can help anyone who is in pain. A comprehensive plan can assist people in managing short-term pain (such as after an injury or surgery). It can also help people who suffer from long-term pain as a result of disease or chronic health conditions.

Pain is the primary symptom of many injuries, infections, and diseases. Cancer pain can be caused by almost any type of cancer. One of the first symptoms of a heart attack is usually chest pain that spreads to your arms, back or jaw. The following are some of the most common conditions that cause pain:

Migraine and cluster headaches both cause pain in the head and neck.

Facial Pain can be caused by a variety of conditions, including trigeminal neuralgia (TN), an abscessed tooth, and other dental issues.

Back Injuries Herniated disks, sciatica, and other back issues are common causes of pain and limited mobility.

Arthritis and muscle and joint injuries: Arthritis, including osteoarthritis and gout, causes severe joint pain. Orthopedic injuries, such as frozen shoulder, restrict mobility and cause pain and stiffness.

Neuropathy (nerve damage): Damaged nerves can cause pain, stinging, and tingling. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a type of neuropathy that is quite common.

Chronic pain disorders: There are many conditions that can cause widespread pain throughout your body. Fibromyalgia, complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), and central pain syndrome are examples.

We can assist you if you are suffering from:


✅Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

✅Lower Back Pain

✅Headache and Migraine

✅Neuropathic Pain

✅Sports Injury

Looking to manage your pain?

Call us today 713-572-3888