An enlarged prostate is a condition that most commonly affects men over the age of 50, but it can begin in their 30s. This condition, also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH, is not cancerous but can have symptoms similar to prostate cancer. BPH is thought to be caused by natural cell growth and hormone changes caused by testosterone and dihydrotestosterone.

The prostate is an important organ in the male reproductive system because it aids in the production of fluid for sperm. Around the age of 25, the prostate begins a natural growth period that lasts the rest of a man’s life.

What Are the main Prostate Issues?

The prostate appears to be a source of great concern for such a small gland. It’s in the news all the time, like a troubled, war-torn country, and something always seems to be wrong there, but you don’t know where it is or why it’s important.

Prostate problems can affect any man. This is due to the fact that all men have a prostate. Examine this overview of prostate problems to determine your risk of prostate problems.

Prostate Cancer

The most common cancer in men is prostate cancer (besides skin cancer). One in every six men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during their lifetime. But let’s keep these figures in context. Because prostate cancer grows slowly, only about one in every 35 men will die from it.

Prostate cancer, like BPH, becomes more common with age. Two out of every three men diagnosed with prostate cancer are over the age of 65. No one knows for certain what causes prostate cancer, but risk factors include:

Family History

Having a father or brother with prostate cancer increases your risk by more than doubling.

Race. African-American men are more likely than Caucasians to develop prostate cancer, and the disease is usually more advanced when it is discovered.

Enlarged Prostate Symptoms

When prostate tissues swell, they can put pressure on the urethra and partially block urine flow. This may result in the following symptoms:

✅Starting urination is difficult.

✅Inability to urinate due to a clogged urine stream

✅Dribbling at the conclusion of urination

✅bladder not completely emptying


✅Urination frequently at night

✅Urinary discomfort

Only about half of men with BPH experience symptoms.

Prostate Treatment Options

Many BPH cases are treated with “watchful waiting.” Some men find that their symptoms are mild and go away on their own. When symptoms are bothersome or do not improve over time, one or more of the following treatment options may be suggested.

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Medication is frequently used as the first step in the treatment of an enlarged prostate. There are several medications that can help reduce BPH symptoms, including:

5-alpha reductase inhibitors that aid in prostate shrinkage

Alpha-blockers relax the prostate and bladder neck muscles.

Phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors, which are commonly used to treat erectile dysfunction, may aid in increasing urine flow.

Changes in Lifestyle

A variety of lifestyle factors can contribute to or worsen prostate enlargement. Sedentism, for example, can increase urinary retention, so many doctors advise patients to engage in regular exercise. Other common suggestions include:

✅Limiting your intake of alcohol and caffeine

✅Limiting liquid intake before bedtime

✅Using the restroom at predetermined times, even if the bladder is empty

✅Getting rid of excess weight

✅If possible, avoid using decongestants and antihistamines.


If the symptoms of prostate enlargement are bothersome or do not respond to conservative treatment, surgery may be recommended. There are numerous minimally invasive procedures and surgical therapies available to men suffering from prostate enlargement.

Our Approach to Reversing Enlarged Prostate or Early Stage Prostate Cancer

To address this issue, weMED Clinic believes in the 5 pillars of health. Dr. Dean Ornish has also written about this solution in his publications. (Harvard Medical School, Circulation, 2018).

You can stop or reverse early-stage prostate cancer by shrinking the enlarged prostate.

If you have prostate cancer and you are looking for relief without Surgery in Houston, TX

Call us today 713-572-3888