Houston Chinese Medicine Doctor

Acupuncture in Houston: The Hidden Secret to Longevity and Wellness


Immortality is one of the most ancient quests of humankind. The very first Epic in human history is a quest to get rid of the problem of morality. Through the passage of time, we have tried to achieve this in a variety of ways. Now, with the advent of modern medicine, the lifespan and quality of life of humans have improved significantly. However, this has also led to the creation of many problems by itself. So, while we do live longer, this winter of our lives is marked with disease and delirium. This trend can also be witnessed in the youth [...]

Acupuncture in Houston: The Hidden Secret to Longevity and Wellness2021-02-23T12:28:01+00:00

Five Ways Acupuncture Treatment in Houston Can Benefit Your Health


Western medicine has always been the leading authority on health in the US. But the main problem that has arisen with the advent of pharma-based treatments is that the human body gets used to them. So, they often lose their effect. Also, they have a number of side effects that can be very difficult to deal with. Additionally, the rising costs of treatments and no health coverage by the government have led people to turn away from hospitals. This is where complementary and alternative medicine has made their advent into the public domain. Acupuncture is one of the most popular forms [...]

Five Ways Acupuncture Treatment in Houston Can Benefit Your Health2021-02-23T12:16:05+00:00

Houston Acupuncturist Offers Modern Acupuncture Treatment in Houston River Oaks 


Acupuncture is one of those select medicinal practices that have retained their popularity over many centuries. Not just that, they have also evolved significantly from their rudimentary origins and even branched off into various schools. Modern acupuncture treatments in Houston are a very potent mix of the best practices taken from Western and Eastern medicine. By combining the advantages of both pharmaceutical-based treatments as well as esoteric healing methods from the Orient, they provide an excellent roadmap to rejuvenation and recovery. As such, there are many benefits that you will enjoy from our Houston Acupuncturist. Let us take a look at [...]

Houston Acupuncturist Offers Modern Acupuncture Treatment in Houston River Oaks 2021-02-23T12:06:28+00:00

Houston Acupuncture Doctor Shares Five Conditions That Acupuncture Can Be Helpful For


Understanding the Benefits of Acupuncture There is a good reason why acupuncture has been used by healthcare providers for thousands of years in treating a variety of ailments. This treatment helps to detoxify your body and can reduce overall inflammation. It is often recommended in conjunction with other treatments as a way to enhance recovery and is compatible with most prescription medications.  For more information, consult our Houston acupuncture doctor. Acupuncture is a common treatment for the following five serious health conditions because of its ability to increase blood flow and regulate bodily functions. Asthma and allergies Chronic pain High blood [...]

Houston Acupuncture Doctor Shares Five Conditions That Acupuncture Can Be Helpful For2021-02-23T12:18:27+00:00

Eastern Medicine Doctor Discusses Hypothyroidism Treatment in Houston


Hypothyroidism is one of the most common endocrine disorders in the United States. Millions of people suffer from this disease, many without even knowing it. Hypothyroidism is an underactive thyroid gland and it means that the thyroid gland can’t make enough thyroid hormone to keep the body running normally.  If you are concerned about your thyroid function, there is hope, weMED Wellness offers safe and natural hypothyroidism treatment in Houston and the surrounding areas. Symptoms of Hypothyroidism The signs of hypothyroidism can be debilitating, affecting both your health and your ability to function in day-to-day life. These symptoms include: Weight gain [...]

Eastern Medicine Doctor Discusses Hypothyroidism Treatment in Houston2021-02-23T12:19:23+00:00

Learn More About Autoimmune Disease Treatment in Houston from an Eastern Medicine Doctor


Autoimmune disease can have a serious effect on quality of life. A healthy immune system protects your body from infections and illnesses. However, an autoimmune disorder can affect your immune system's ability to give you adequate protection. Autoimmune disease treatment in Houston can help to alleviate your symptoms, making it possible for you to go back to the activities and lifestyle that you enjoy. By learning more about autoimmune diseases and the treatments for these disorders, you'll be taking a first step toward managing your condition and leading a more fulfilling life. What Is an Autoimmune Disease? While a healthy, properly [...]

Learn More About Autoimmune Disease Treatment in Houston from an Eastern Medicine Doctor2021-02-23T12:11:51+00:00

How Cupping Treatment in Houston Can Help You Feel Better


With Chinese medicine, there is always a heavy emphasis on overall well-being. This means that every treatment and therapy is aimed at supporting at least one of the Five Pillars of Health. Included in these treatments is cupping.   Striving toward the Five Pillars of Health is critical to leading a productive, positive and energetic life. Through "Detoxification" the body is rid of harmful toxins, which improves the functioning of all systems. Good "Nutrition and Digestion" are supported by a healthy diet while "Balancing Hormones" may be achieved through the effects of acupuncture. The Five Pillars also focus on "Brain Health." [...]

How Cupping Treatment in Houston Can Help You Feel Better2018-05-11T18:48:59+00:00

Diabetes Treatment in Houston Can Help You Keep Your Diabetes Under Control


Studies suggest that some 29 million people in the U.S. suffer from diabetes. Several million more, perhaps as many as 84 million, are living with a condition known as prediabetes that frequently leads to a diabetes diagnosis within two years. Those numbers are staggering, but it's just as shocking to realize that most of those cases are preventable. What's more, it may be possible to reverse the effects of the disease with diabetes treatment in Houston. The more you understand about the disease and what causes it, the more likely you are to be able to protect yourself from it. Additionally, [...]

Diabetes Treatment in Houston Can Help You Keep Your Diabetes Under Control2018-04-27T18:12:53+00:00

Autoimmune Disease Treatment in Houston Can Improve Your Health


Autoimmune disease can cause your immune system to start attacking healthy cells.  Autoimmune diseases include rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and irritable bowel syndrome.  In addition, multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes, and psoriasis are also considered autoimmune diseases.  A balanced approach to wellness can help treat autoimmune diseases.  If you have questions about autoimmune disease treatment in Houston, contact weMED Wellness today at (713) 572-3888   Balancing Eastern and Western Medical Philosophies   A balanced approach that focuses on whole body-mind wellness is the best way to alleviate the symptoms of autoimmune disorders. The process begins with a thorough examination that delves into [...]

Autoimmune Disease Treatment in Houston Can Improve Your Health2021-02-23T12:04:11+00:00

Chinese Medicine Doctor in Houston Helps Patients Live Healthier Lives


weMED Wellness Puts Patients on a Healthier Track   Wouldn't it be amazing if there were a professional and trusted medical team that could help you live your life to the fullest using the ideal combination of Eastern and Western medicines? That is exactly what the weMED Wellness Center of Integrated Medicine aims to do. If you are looking for a Chinese medicine doctor in Houston who will truly listen to your concerns and provide you with the most holistic approach to healthy living, then you need to look no further than weMED Wellness. Types of Conditions that weMED Wellness Treats [...]

Chinese Medicine Doctor in Houston Helps Patients Live Healthier Lives2023-05-30T20:53:53+00:00